The circle, as an abstract geometric shape, appears to be both continuous and endless. Creating an outline that contains and defines the space within, it is an iconic form that possesses an inherent dynamic energy. Circles can be appreciated as purely visual forms or as symbols with spiritual content and meaning. |
I compose and assemble the rims individually, or in groups, in varying sizes and spacings. I mount them on bases or hang them in suspension. In some works they are fixed, and others, free to rotate. |
Eccentrics is composed of two sets of semicircular arcs arranged around a central vertical axis. The largest are reverse connected, in the form of an "S", that defines the outer boundaries of the sculpture. The remaining arcs, equally apportioned between the top and bottom of the "S", are free to rotate around the central axis. When in the closed position, balanced symmetrically on opposite sides of the vertical axis, the nested arcs create a linear almost two-dimensional pattern. When rotated, they define implied three-dimensional helical shapes that change depending upon their relative positions. Eccentrics, being infinitely adjustable, is uniquely dynamic and interactive. |
The visual impact of these works varies with changes in the quantity and quality light throughout the day and seasons. Winter accentuates their visual interest by redefining their shapes and echoing them in shadows cast on the snow covered ground. |