I was born and raised in that great cradle of American civilization Brooklyn, New York. I received my arts and architecture education at Columbia University where I had the good fortune to be inspired by great teachers who showed me that art and architecture are not just a set of acquired skills but a way of life.
I have spent my entire career preserving and restoring old buildings and applying my passion for reclamation and recycling to the creation of assemblage sculpture. I continue the tradition of those modern sculptors who chose to work with scraps and discards. Many of them did so because, as young struggling artists, these materials were readily available and cheap. Their explorations resulted in enthusiastic appreciation for their potential for creative expression in a new visual language. My approach differs from those who came before in that it is not purely aesthetic. I identify the essence and unique histories of scraps and objects, interpreting and reforming them, not merely as works of art, but as significant historical and cultural artifacts. |